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Early Ideas

The artifacts we created during the Analysis phase allowed us to begin ideating on some potential solutions. We applied a Divergent Thinking approach here in order to generate as many ideas as possible.

This section was informed by the works of Oyarzun & Conklin (2020), Christensen (2008), and Bates (2019).

[The ideation] phase is an iterative process between divergent ideation (brainstorming) and convergent ideation (creation), rendering the vision and narrative concrete through the activities, learning materials, and assessments.

Galyen, Chuchran-Davis, & Culbertson, 2020


Incorporating the Design Thinking Process (again)

Our Empathize and Define elements helped us understand the situation clearly. Now, we wanted to explore some potential solutions by incorporating the Ideate phase of the Design Thinking Process. Below are 4 of our leading ideas.


Quick Recap

Before getting to our ideations, here is a quick recap below of our Analysis phase. This will provide context behind our ideas and rationales.

The Problem


Learners need to have the education and understanding to be able to make wise financial decisions.

Needs + Gaps


We've identified that there are Knowledge, Skills, & Motivation Gaps.

The Learners


Busy yuppies or students seeking stress-free, visual, and engaging learning solution.

The Context


Coinbase (Sponsor) has tasked us with improving the user experience for their customers through instruction.

Terminal Objective #1

Enabling Objectives


Upon completing the learning module, learners will be able to understand the rationale and core concepts of investing.

  • Enabling Objective #1:

    • By the end of the first half of this learning module, learners will be able to name at least 3 investment methods and articulate their mechanism of how they work in the market.


  • Enabling Objective #2:

    • By the end of the second half of the learning module, learners will be able to analyze different products under each investment method by applying appropriate evaluation metrics.

Terminal Objective #2

Enabling Objectives


Upon completing the learning module, learners will be able to create an investment portfolio that fits their budgets and risk tolerance.

  • Enabling Objective #1:

    • By the end of the first half of this learning module, learners will be able to assess the risk profiles of different investment portfolios.


  • Enabling Objective #2:

    • By the end of the second half of the learning module, learners will be able modify portfolios so that they better fit the needs and situations of investors.

Our Early Ideas


Video Courses with Advisor

Set of pre-recorded courses (video) with an in-person advisor

Learners will have a customized and personalized learning experience by completing video-based pre-recorded courses. They will also be able to talk to financial advisors for scaffolding and advice.


Applying Constructivism here allows learners to build their knowledge instead of absorbing information passively. Experts scaffold the learning by taking the learner's prior and current levels of understanding into account.

Learning Theory

Cognitive Apprenticeships involve an expert guiding and scaffolding knowledge for a novice by having them verbalize their thinking process. The scaffolding  is faded away as the learner gains competence. 

Cognitive Apprenticeship

Learning Method


Whether a web-based app or a mobile app, applications have many unique affordances, such as making communication easier, providing timely feedback, and allowing for more interactive learning, all of which fit neatly into this solution.



Videos are usually more engaging and visual than simple text, which helps maintain the learner's interest. In addition, videos afford learners the ability to control the speed and tempo of their learning as well as communicate with more people at once.



Logic Model

Pros & Cons

The biggest benefit of cognitive apprenticeships is the scaffolded learning experience that is personalized to the learner by an expert. However, it would be difficult to find experts who can provide this kind of service without demanding a large fee.

Pros & Cons

Personalized Financial Planning App

Optional educational feature embedded in the Coinbase app

Users fill out an assessment through the Coinbase app that will then use that data in order to tailor a learning curriculum based on their prior knowledge and specific financial goals. 

Learning Theory


The pre-assessment that users will take is fundamental to the concept of cognitivism; learning begins with some pre-existing knowledge first, which learners then proceed to build on top of.

Learning Method

Interest-Driven Learning

In order for interest-driven learning to be used, there must be motivation on the learner's part to learn as well as a constructivist learning environment. This is a powerful method to incorporate when the usefulness of the solution is apparent to the learner.


Mobile App

Mobile apps offer a great deal of affordances that are convenient for the modern learner. Not only are they small and portable, they afford a lot of the benefits of larger computing devices with the addition of touch-based interactivity.


Video & Audio

Learners can watch (or listen) to videos in order to learn with this particular solution. Since learners have stated that they would prefer a visual medium (and less text if possible), video and audio were the ideal media to incorporate in this solution.

Logic Model


Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons

The personalization of the feature will make it more motivating and engaging for the learner, but one of the drawbacks of this solution could be the resource-intensive nature of building out personalization options for all of the diverse goals users may have.


Gamified Learning Feature

In-app feature to encourage learning by earning points to unlock rewards

Learning is incentivized through a points system that allows learners to unlock real-world rewards (via Coinbase) for successfully completing learning modules based on real-life scenarios.


A straightforward stimulus-response mechanism could work very well in terms of motivating and engaging learners to keep learning. Seeing your points go up can help further motivate you to keep learning and improving!

Learning Theory

Regardless of age, all people enjoy earning rewards, especially if it is done through games. Incorporating a reward system would greatly incentivize learners to continue learning so that they may motivate themselves to learn in order to win prizes.

Game-Based Learning

Learning Method

Mobile App

Instead of building a completely new and separate solution, this idea would be incorporated into the existing Coinbase app as an additional feature. Users could learn, play, and invest all on the same app.


Interactive Platform

As learners complete lessons, they would be guided to an interactive platform, where they can see visual milestones along a mountain up to the summit, and be able to see what prizes are unlocked at each point.



Logic Model

Pros & Cons

Gamifying the learning experience is highly engaging and motivating for learners, but it's important that the prizes are found to be worthwhile for the learners. The incentives must be attractive enough to entice learners to play.

Pros & Cons

Interactive Learning Journey

Self-directed journey with short videos and scenario-based narrations

Through a combination of videos and scenario-based learning, learners can determine their own learning paths, interacting with modules that will allow them to apply their new knowledge to immediate real-life scenarios.

Learning Theory


Self-directed learning journeys are the primary hallmark of a Constructivist approach. By determining their own learning paths with this solution, learners are able to interact with the learning modules to gain knowledge that they can apply in real life.

Learning Method

Anchored Instruction

Anchored instruction aims to place learning within a "meaningful, problem-solving context," which is exactly what the scenario-based learning would do. By contextualizing the learning this way, learners will be able to respond appropriately in authentic settings.



This solution can work on either mobile apps or desktop apps, depending on how the videos and eLearning solution are developed. Either way, the scenario-based learning requires some form of computing device with which the learner can interact.


Video & eLearning

Moreso than videos, eLearning scenarios help get the learner to start thinking from the perspective of the characters they see on screen. This affords them the opportunity to practice their responses in a controlled setting before applying it in the real world.

Logic Model


Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons

Mimicking real-life scenarios is the next best option after actual authentic practice for learners to be able to learn in a contextualized setting. However, developing such courses is resource-intensive, so budget and time would need to be considered first.


So what did we ultimately decide on?

  • Austin, Ryan. "How Combining Design Thinking and Addie Creates the Ultimate Learning Experience." eLearning Industry, 11 Nov 2019,

  • Bates, Tony A.W. Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning. 2nd ed. BcCampus, 2019.

  • Brown, Abbie H., and Timothy D. Green. The Essentials of Instructional Design : Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2015.

  • Dirksen, Julie. Design for How People Learn. Berkeley, CA: New Riders, 2016. 

  • Christensen, Trudy K. "The Role of Theory in Instructional Design: Some views of an ID Practitioner." Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis. Eds. In J. K. McDonald & R. E. West. EdTech Books, 2008.

  • Contreras, Oscar, and Joseph Bendix. “Financial Literacy in the United States.” Milken Institute, 2021,

  • Ahmed Lachheb & Elizabeth Boling. "The Role of Design Judgment and Reflection in Instructional Design." Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis. Eds. In J. K. McDonald & R. E. West. EdTech Books, 2021.

  • Mager, Robert F. Preparing Instructional Objectives. 3rd ed. Atlanta: The Center for Effective Performance, 1997.

  • Milstein, Bobby & Tom Chapel. "Section 1: Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change." CommunityToolBox,

  • Morrison, Gary R., Steven M. Ross, & Jerrold E. Kemp. Designing effective instruction. 5th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

  • Oyarzun, Beth & Sheri Conklin. "Learning Theories." Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis. Eds. In J. K. McDonald & R. E. West. EdTech Books, 2021.

  • Rossett, Allison. "Needs assessment." Instructional technology: Past, present, and future. 2nd ed. Ed. In G. Anglin. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1995.

  • Svihla, V. "Design Thinking." Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis. Eds. In J. K. McDonald & R. E. West. EdTech Books, 2021.

  • Smaldino, Lowther, & Russell. Instructional technology and media for learning. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2012. 

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